Ok guys I recently finished a very simple easy & working pathfinding script where entities can find there way to the player and even avoid each other (easy to learn guaranteed) and was about to make a tutorial for the Beat 'em up style game with it (according to my information never at tamped before) but i came up with an interesting idea that instead of writing a tutorial why not share the whole project where every one can take part in it and learn from it and keep adding stuff and enhacing it till it is a complete proffesional game. Every body is invited to participate. Let's see where it takes us smile

The Rules
1) This project is aimed for begginer to intermediat game designers so the code should be as simple and clean as possible

Open Source Project.zip

Final Words
The project you will be downloading is in beggining state keep adding codes when other participants share.
It is not aimed to only fists kicks etc the payer will be using anything he found arround him to blow enemies head from pipes and barrels to guns. So let's start laugh
I am not a professional programmer and it is almost my first project so gurus excuese my code if not in right way.