I found bits of myself scattered among the pages of a book today. Like the aftermath of a collision between a drunken cyclist and a street vendors taco cart I recognize tiny flakes of my thought strewn throughout the author's insightful text. This seemingly random juxtaposition of the cheese, meat and sauce that is my life has gained form ... -ok, ok I mashed it together myself and made a little dog shaped out of taco meat.

Anyway, the book is great so far. Art & Fear. If you are an artist, or struggling to be an artist, and beset with the common fear that somehow you aren't a 'real' artist, that your work isn't good enough because it doesn't look like [insert famous artist name here]'s work. Or if you fritter away your time over-planning and never doing your art, over-dreaming and never planning, or endlessly copying others styles, worrying, feeling inadequate, going back to school to become an accountant (not because you want to be one, but because you consider yourself a failure as an artist).... if this is you as an artist -or any type of creative - then you may want to check out this book. It was recommended by a friend and I think it should be required reading for all creative types.

Art & Fear

Sorry about the rest - I just ate a couple of tacos and got carried away. wink

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