No, you don't need to have the Commercial or Pro version!

Many of you already know about Newton Game Dynamics, others might not know, or maybe they think it's too hard to use. I wrote a small tutorial to show how everyone can add simple physics to your game. This tutorial is aimed at people who want to make their own scripts and are familiar with a few basics, like moving the player and the camera. I tried to make it as simple as possible and included the demo level. After you download you can just run the demo (no need to re-build) and check it out. There's 3 wdl files that are custom, I think beginners will find this extremely easy and helpful.

Learning to play with Newton

w,s,a,d -- move
look -- mouse
fire -- left mouse button

Have fun, if you're interested in making car games, you can check out this demo, but the code was just copied/pasted so its quite messy, I'll clean it up for my next tutorial.

Car demo (drive straight theres a ramp ahead!

move -- w,s,a,d
h -- reverses camera angle (used if you turn around)
r -- reset the car if it flips over (sweet)
hold 't' key -- while holding the 't' key, you can see a birds eye view of things, yes you can use the mouse to look around too. Best if you use it right as you go off the jump, then hold the 't' button down and see yourself flip.

This car has high torque and speed so it peels out really easily and slides... Just the way I like it, you can adjust the torque down, suspension, friction in the tires from WED's behavior panel. This demo was modified from the original posted at Newton Game Dynamics' website.

Have fun! Now every game can have great physics!

- Agent_Smith

Last edited by Agent_Smith; 03/10/04 08:33.