
Still, if u put doorOpen to 1 and then ask if doorOpen is 1.. its still.. strange?

doorOpen = 1;


The problem i have is really strange, because in C-Script it worked perfectly..

now i have the problem that it doesnt react on the "T" Button.. i want to open the Door with the T Button.. but this:

if (key_t)

doenst do anything.. i did the c_scan line in a ToggleBreak mode.. but it doenst stop there if i Run it in Debug Mode..

i dont get that..

edith says:

if u dont have time, just do it when u have time smile
i appreciate it very much, even the slithest hint to fullfill my project im glad.. smile

and yes, my english isnt the best, i try to do the best i can laugh speaking is a lot easier :p

Last edited by flutschi; 12/12/08 12:51.

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