Hey, I don't think so. You could try clearing out the plugin folder and seeing what ES shows in the plugin menu (should be empty). Then add the plugins back in one by one running ES each time to see if they appear in the plugin menu.

It's possible it is crashing in DllMain or something.
Do you have the dxsdk installed?

Problem is my machine has just about everything installed on it so I have every version of every dll there is, it could be you are missing something like d3dx9.dll? The program needs that to call some of the d3dx texture functions.

If after clearing the plugin folder and seeing if it's recognizing them being added one by one, it still doesn't show up then I will recompile the dll with commented out code and see if it shows up then. That is, if you don't mind being my guinea pig.

(any IM at all my old skool :))

Last edited by ecg_limey; 12/13/08 19:11.