First, a big congratulations to you and your team!

Second, and less pleasently, I'm saddened and disappointed in you Ichiro.

It seems that whenever someone from these forums gets a big jump on their game, usually by a publisher, they suddenly pull in their limbs like a turtle.

Usually they start to get a big head, and suddenly become 'better' than the rest of us struggling dregs.

You know, so many of us developers who are not yet on the same high pedestal still need information and feedback.

To shut us out once you get to that 'promised land' is disappointing. In fact, I remember an incident with Nardulus after he got his fishing game sold at Wal Mart stores. Suddenly, in my opinion, he thought he was god or something.

OK, what am I rambling about?

Your sales.

I can understand some people don't want to spell out every dollar they've earned, but dear lord, noone here is from the IRS, and if the IRS was truly interested in your sales, they would find out.

Originally Posted By: Ichiro

We don't publish sales figures directly, but what I am allowed to say is that we hit #5 on Steam's top sellers list, so we're very happy.

Oh Come ON! What the hell is THAT? That's not an answer at all. Does that mean youve sold more copies than Counterstrike? was that sales for the day or sales EVER on Steam?

I mean really, people want to hear the success stories, they want to be proud of you (which they are) but they also need the HOPE. They want to say "Hey, hopefully one day i'll get published on Steam, and if I do half as good as game 'x' I'll be happy!"

But instead, you give us some cryptic nonsense... shutting out your fellow game makers now that you've made it 'big'.

You don't publish sales figures publicly... why not? Can't you even give us a hint? was it more than 100 copies, but less than 500 copies? more than 1,000 but less than 2,000?

It would be a nice incentive for others to have a star to shoot for. Looking forward to the hope of success of some sort.

If I ever generate sales with my next project, I swear to god i'll be so happy i'll shout from the rooftops how many copies I sold. I'll NEVER act like I'm so good that i don't need to share my success with the people who have struggled with me.

And you can bet I'll be updating my webpage every week with the new totals! It's a great selling point to display something like 'Over 5,000 copies sold worldwide!' or some such thing.

It's sad to see such a great guy change into one of 'those' people once they taste success.

Sorry to ramble like this, but when such a simple thing is treated like some sacred secret, it really burns my toast.

Thanks for keeping us in the loop

- Jason

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