!!? my thingy doesn't have a sixteen or a 1-, its a completely different way of doing it. its converting the curve into a steady decrease, altering it by subtracting time_step * a_number and the converting it back. i think that this is the best way to go about the thing, as steady increases and decreases in values are far easier.

and yes, perhaps slight differences in the camera could go unnoticable, but the camera was only an example i used to demonstrate a problem in far more touchy parts of the code.

hey its off topic, but i wrote a quick function at the top of the script that i've been using in situations like this, and id just like a professional view on it, just to see if im in the right direction in terms of programming's "layers of abstraction", y'know? writing reusable code. is this a common method?

near beginning of script:

function closesttozero(element_a,element_b)
if(minv(abs(element_a),abs(element_b)) == abs(element_a))

its handy for things like

speeds -= closesttozero(speeds,20 * time_step * sign(speeds));

would you say my methods were too slow?