I don't thinkt he poll covers each detail, so I'm going to add my vcomments int his thread.
Hopefully they are not just overread but also taken into account just like the answers of the poll (note: the answers which fitted were selected by me - see number in brackets to get number of answers. All others I skipped):

God's most likely main motivation to create humans was... (1)

- God wanted to have some fun. Some sort of playground, just as we do when we play the Sims. It's also a source of knowledge and new ideas. But the first thing is entertainment.
Closest match: He created us to learn from.

What would God mainly do to be believed in? (0)

- That's open. He'd be interested about the ideas his creation comes to. He'd enjoy how different beliefs spread and because of that wars start. Must be fun to watch.

What would God mainly do to make humans do good deeds? (0)

- Probably nothing. Maybe give them some motivation by giving them money, a good job or something else if there's not enough and the game becomes boring.

What would God mainly do to learn from humans? (2)

- just observing them fits it pretty well. Also the second point. If things get boring, let's see how people react on a catastrophe.

How would God react on people not believing in him (Atheists)? (1)

- Not at all fits it pretty well. That's part of the fun.

Please not that this post is not intended to be offensive. I've been asked to give my opinion and so I did.
If you don't agree that's fine, but please don't feel offended. It's up to you what you believe.