smile Vatosloco is back:P

Now i have been looking around , and tryed to model this model myself... Well , you dont want to know how that did look like^^
Ugly stuff:P

Anyway,, so i decied to request the model here.

I need a basic character model that holds a electric guitar in his hands. It dosen't have to be the worlds best quality just a simple one.

Now i need 3 animations for it.

1. Play
2. Idle
3. Cheer

Now for the first one, the characters hands move , the hand where the hole are will move down then up and stay idle again. And the hand at the top of the guitar moves abit normal , little bumpy around.

I don't know if this picture explains alot but here it is:
This shows how the hand where the hole are will move down then up again. And the second hand moves abit how it goes, but stays on the guitar.

Now for the second animation , you all know what that is i hope. I just want it to say idle but still holding the guitar.

And for the last animation (3) i want it to be a animation when the show is over, like wave to the fans or something..

Now that is all i need. Please someone make this for me, it shall not be that hard, i don't need this to be the best quality. Just normal.




Last edited by VatosLoco; 12/26/08 22:46.

Project Mighty RePublic , NEED HELP WITH IT!