Why are human beings always so predictable?

Why didnīt you try to surprise me with something that is not extremely boring for me?

Did you even try, to understand my message?

I wrote for example:

"This creates an obvious link between me and the crazy people."

Now, the 1st comment:

"Someone call the nice Uncle Doctors with the I-like-to-cuddle-myself-jackets."

The 2nd comment is even more original. It more or less repeats the 1st comment.

but we have to wait a view minutes.. crash on highway.."

Wow! Iīm really impressed by these "arguments". I would be even more impressed, if I would never have taken into account the possibility, that for many people an unusual message must be a crazy message.

But I wrote:

"This creates an obvious link between me and the crazy people."

It is like telling people: "The sky might be blue"

And then getting responses like: "No no, youīre a complete idiot, the sky is blue, I really have to tell you this! You certainly donīt know this!"

It is even more foolish, because you think, you know very much about me.

Phemox wrote:

"Ha ha ha. What makes you think so?"

Everything, that I know and everything is too much for one little answer.

People from the West and people, who have a faible for science etc. often believe in simple, mono-causal explanations.

But the world, especially the world of the human beings is very complex and I am aware of the limitations of linear logic.

Maybe you should look into the Chaos Theory. You can learn there, that linear logic does not apply to very complex systems.

But many people still want to apply their linear logic to areas, where it doesnīt apply.

There is also no scientific proof for the claim, that the "Mona Lisa" is a great picture.

You can measure the proportions and estimate the number of atomes of this picture etc., but all of this will not make much sense and will not help you, to understand, why the "Mona Lisa" is regarded as a great picture.

If we would go into a forest and I would say: "Isnīt this a nice forest!" you could say: "No, this isnīt a forests, itīs just a small group of trees!"

In the real world few things can be defined exactly, like numbers, but this doesnīt mean, that things do not exist.

A tree for exampl can exist, even if I could not give you a complete, exact description of the tree. The only complete, exact description would be the tree itself.

Nevertheless you can try to increase your knowledge, try to get an idea, try to reach a better understanding.

This will often lead to disillusionment, ambivalent attitudes and uncertainty.

The ambassador of God is someone, who reached a stage of perfect disillusionment with worldly perspectives, attitudes and opinions.

Then God found me, like He has found Abraham a long, long time ago.

Then I had to look at everything with different eyes.

I tried to run away from this experience, I became a stock market investor for example.

But even the stock market helped me, to understand parts of His truth.

I think in abstract cycles, I search for abstract patterns.

But I am alo very close to concrete things.

The worldly minded human beings are often blinded by concrete differences.

A racist for example believes, that there must be a huge difference between a black man and a white man, because he can see the obvious difference with his eyes.

A prophet of God, like Mohammed (pbuh) was aware, that not the physical form or skin colour are important, but the human mind and his heart, his goodness.

I like this statement for example from his Farewell Sermon:

"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor does a black have any superiority over white except by piety and good action."


The very smart and enlightened people of the West, especially the very proud German people, needed the bitter experience of the Holocaust, in order to understand something, that was revealed to them many centuries ago.

Adam and Eve is of cause an old metaphor: today you can replace it by "monkey", if you like.

mbdeveloper_B wrote:

"Some of what you say is good some is not"

@ mbdeveloper_B

Congratulations! At least you seem to be able, to concede, that something is good in my message, that you do not follow a simple all or nothing approach.

Ali ibn Abu-Talib (pbuh) once said:

An ignorant person will always overdo a thing or neglect it totally.

But your first statement tells me, that you do not belong to the ignorant people. You have some religious knowledge and I appreciate this.

Many Christians believe in a more or less literal interpretation of the book of revelation at the end of the Bible, which leads to attitudes like this:

"Jesus Christ will return and take his people with him, while all the terrible non-Christians and those, who do not belong to the "correct" Christian denomination will have to die. Only those will be saved, who follow the preacher John Hagee from Texas for example and agree with him 100 percent. All the others will be rejected and burn in hell."

My own attitude is very different from this. Nothing about life after death was revealed to me, but I do not exclude this possibility.

For me however it doesnīt make sense, that a God, who is decribed as "love" in the Bible would have such a strong interest in the destruction of mankind.

It contradicts my own 7-day experience of the Holy Spirit inside me: in this experience at least His Holy Spirit was like a perfect harmony and unity of the meanings of the words love and truth.

I believe, that in God the infinite extensions of the meanings of the words love and truth are united in perfect, indestructible harmony.

Human beings, even His prophets, can only become aware of this.

But it is narcissistic, limited and sometimes selfish human reasoning, to impose limitations on His love, to make claims such as "only my little sect is really loved by God!"

The truth is: God loves His whole creation in all its great diversity.

But God is also like the absolute truth, which can be very different, ten the truth of this or that group of human beings.

The German people for example believed, that it would be very smart, to worship their own nation: there was a time, when they were singing "Germany over everything" and this first line from their national anthem reflected their general attitude.

They placed their own nation above God!

They had to loose two world wars, until they learned from the bitter experience and changed their national anthem and their general attitude.

If human beings continue to deny His truth, they risk another bitter experience.

The truth of God is for me like the law of gravity or the Theory of Relativity.

It makes no sense, to ignore the law of gravity, jump out of the top window of a very high building and hope for a "miracle".

At different times and locations people have understood God in very different, more or less human ways.

Some prophets have placed an emphasis on His love, others were more aware of His truth.

But I want to encourage people, to search for the harmony between the meanings of these two words, love and truth.

They need each other like the yin and yang.

Many people today worship matter and scientific methods and try to impose the unique limitations of their time and location on a book, such as the Bible.

Other people worship Dr. Sigmund Freuds "pleasure principle" and think, nothing can happen to them.

I worship only God.