Originally Posted By: AlbertoT
Originally Posted By: BigDaz

It's the lack of certain features,

Can you make some examples of missing features ?
Are you speaking of graphics features, maybe ?

I am little surprised of what you said

Many end users complained that you can not even finish a simple casual game in B.V

I remember for example that the fps was progressevly slowing down in a period of time
Entities passing through the walls
Problem to import even the most popular file formats
Crashings any minute of two

Many people left B.V. normally this happen because of serious bugs

As I said however I never used B.V., just repeating what I read
Actually I tried the demo and it crashed very often

If you are right, it would be a shame because the engine sounds really good

I think a lot of the bugs were actually problems with the templates, rather than the underlying engine. They needed tidying up and improving and progress on that was painfully slow. There was a problem with it crashing regularly, in fact this wasn't a problem with the engine but a problem with the copy protection system. Correcting these things was slow, people got impatient and left which is understandable. For me importing objects is one of BV's and GameCore's great strengths, although it naturally depends on your particular pipeline. Entities can pass through walls although there are ways to work around it, I don't think it's any worse than 3DGS. One thing that is worse than 3DGS is that light does penetrate through objects.

What I say missing features I mean features are there but are very basic. For example BV had 'network support' but only in the very literal sense that it could send data from computer to another. You couldn't make a multiplayer game with it because there was no server browser, no chat system, it wasn't accessible and it was basically useless to 99% of users. So you have to take some of it's advertised features with a pinch of salt, if you know what I mean. I'm struggling to think of things GameCore doesn't have, it doesn't have video support or decals which I'd like.