Originally Posted By: LarryLaffer

Btw, jcl is right. Why try to bring in complex model shapes and music in a non-resources contest? I mean, that's why all the other contests before this one were for. Wouldn't it be better to concentrate on the strong points of a non-resources contest, instead of trying to.. buffer everything?

That's not what I want to do. Also the primitives are nothing more then built-in models (like ackfont.pcx), and I'm really not sure if those are allowed.

As mentioned before I don't want to buffer lots of graphics or something. I need two very short and simple sounds for my idea, but the capabilites of generating sounds are very limited in A7.

Now I'll probably grab some C++ source for a soft synthie and go with that one... well imho using DLLs defeats the contest idea more than a buffered file of 1k size and doing all the other stuff in Lite-C.

Also the huge question is "what is a buffer"?
Generally any predefined array would be a buffer. Any text string would be a buffer.

For my idea I don't need much. It's not complex and 99% of it can be done perfectly fine without resources, but I need a "real" model (found a nice way for that now, though) in oder to use the mesh functions of A7... and such things are annoying.
So with the current A7 state imho it's not possible to do 3d with engine commands (using D3D and work around this problem defeats the cotnest purpose even more, imho) as a NULL-Entity cannot have a mesh assigned using ent_setmesh.
This restriction is very sad.

Okay, vented enough now smile

I'll continue to work on my idea now.