I do believe in god, and here are a few reasons I was able to translate:

evolution, or the the ability to change yourself to fit in
the environment could be really difficult to program, to invent, to make. you could look towards it as a mechanism for keeping live changing, and dynamic

the believing in god does not have to be against logical
thinking and science. it fits perfectly on the things we know now, dependend on how you see it.

if there was evolution, why fossils do not show it? why they do not show a simple blending from shape a to shape b?
btw. this would make it impossible to name them!

If there was no god, and live was evolved, some things would have been more simple, why cant we get children just like bacteries?
why would we have to see colors?
why we can taste food?
why we can understand maths and abstract thinking?
why we can understand music, and art?
why we are able to love others? this is not needed for evolution, and can even stand in the way of 'survival of the fittest'

if there was evolution, the live that would be evolved could easyly get stuck somewhere, and everything would die,
especially on the earth of 4.5 billion years ago

there is said that an ancient earth is against the bible, this does not have to be, dependent on how you read it.

in genesis the creation is described. in a logical order, and with facts that people could not now 3000 years ago.
i.e. there is said the sun is bigger than the moon, which is true, but from earth they seem to have the same size.
some things are let out, like the creation of bacteries and micro organisms, and dinosours, which are just counted like

why man would have invented a god that forbids things?
even ancient religions(that don't exist anymore) feature laws that are exactly what people want.

there are far more reasons, but these are a few I could translate in understandable english

about hell, it can not even exist, the hell where everyone is punished after dead
does not even exist, in some other parts of the bible there is said that the dead do not feel any pain, joy, and can't do anything.
when the bible talks about hell, it should be symbolical then.

yet there is proof of things like evolution which directly contradicts part of the bible

personally I've never seen proof of evolution which directly
contradicts parts of the bible

sorry for my bad english!

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