In the end, there's really not one thing about religion that makes sense to me, except how it's modern-day purpose seems to be to control large groups of people. Oh and scoring a big bunch o' easy soul-points by helping out the poor(est?) people.

I agree with you here. I've never liked organized religion. It is too much brainwashing bullshit. I think if someone wants to be religious, it should be personal.

Too many wars have been fought over religion.

Look at Israel. Everyone wants that godforsaken strip of dirt because Islam, Judaism and Christianity started there.

Look at 9-11. 3000 innocent civilians killed because they worshiped the "wrong" god.

I'm raised Catholic, but I don't think that'll last longer. I don't see the purpose in Church or a pope or a set prayer like The Lords Prayer that people just say without meaning.

I don't see what is so important about God that makes people kill other people. Jesus said, judge not lest ye be judged, so I don't understand why so many "Christians" judge other people.


Okay guys your turn, have fun. PS... http://orangoo.com/spell/ wink

Mozilla built-in spellchecker FTW! wink

Last edited by heinekenbottle; 01/13/09 16:10.

I was once Anonymous_Alcoholic.

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