I believe in god because i recognize the limits in logical thinking and science. Because there are always limits to our understanding. In my personal experience, few real modern European protestants will seriously dispute evolution. As for the beginning of the universe, even if it began with a big bang, you get the problem that *something* will/must have caused the big bang (or at least provided the constraints). Maybe, someday we will go one level further up and have a scientific explanation for what caused it, but then you go back one further layer and you will again be in unknown territory. At the very end of that infinite chain, is where I see god.
Furthermore, have no respect of the cognitive abilities of people who go by the book, line for line, phrase for phrase, unquestioning and uncritical. A book written by mere humans will have the limits of humans. Don't even get me started on organized religion...
I respect Jesus, not as the son of god, but as a great man with good ideas, courage and overwhelming love of humanity. I respect Jesus, as I respect many other great men of whatever ilk.
Finally, I believe that religion is one of the greatest metaphysical concepts/invention of mankind. Of course, evil things have been done in the name of religion, but it would be very small minded to separate many of these from the immediate realities (->inquisition/radical Islamic fundamentalists, crusades, whatnot) which are at work shaping the nature of these events or causes. Without religion, people intent on causing harm would merely find other rallying points. I believe religion is truly impressive in the way that it can unleash unexpected energy and hidden potential in people, which are, I seriously believe more often than not used for good.

Now some people love reading the bible with a marker and finding things which are not technically possible. Thats silly, in fact those people are putting themselves on the same level as the fundamentalists. Others like paradoxes along the lines of "can god create a stone so heavy he can't lift himself." I like paradoxes, they are fun. Hell, I've even challenged fundamental Christians with the above paradox crazy , simply to get them thinking. But ultimately, I admit that they are completely besides the point. The very concept of god defies logic, otherwise, it wouldn't be god.

So I believe... but what YOU do, is up to you.

PS: While these discussions here on this topic are always very similar, I haven't partaken in one for a long time.

- Mr Wurm