Finally, I believe that religion is one of the greatest metaphysical concepts/invention of mankind.

@Mr Wurm
Very well said post, but the above line really made me want to respond. Alot of what you said I agree with and I also agree that religion is a good thing for those who believe in it. The way I see it if your religion makes you a better person who follows the law, keeps you working, makes you help your fellow man, and just helps you get by the harder times in life then religion is a great thing!

When I was younger around the age of 16-18 I believed in god. It made me very happy to believe that when I died it wasn't the end. In college I guess I just found it more logical that in fact there wasn't a god. It doesn't mean i'm right, it's just the way I see it. If I could go back to believing in god (regardless of the fact of if he truely exists or not) I would in a heart beat. Religion was very calming for me. It kind of sucks that I believe that when we die we rot in the ground.

LOL, wouldn't it suck for us non believers that when you die, whatever you believed in life happened for you? Lol, for believing in nothing I get to rot but maybe the believers get to party down with "B'T(|-|3$ and hoes" up in heaven. Oh well, I guess that would suck.

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