That this is not a new topic, or one that has _never_ been discussed on this forum, is something I believe we're all aware of. laugh

Interesting thought. I kinda came in from the other end, where when I was between 16 and 18 I suppose, in retrospective, I was trying to be a little too clever as I ate up all the atheism stuff for facts at face value.
Now heaven and hell are concepts I personally have some trouble with. They sure have a very basic kind of moral function, rules without reward and punishment aren't particularly effective. And they prey on a natural fear of death. They seem a bit to much like simple psychological methods for controlling people than actual 'features' of reality. That said, would I act any differently if there was no heaven or hell or if there were? I sincerely doubt it.

I've had interesting discussions with radical Christians about the prerequisites for getting into heaven. For some, simply believing is a free pass (imagine the unjustness of a celestial heaven/hell distribution resulting from that). Others believe on an evaluation on death.
The idea that you get whatever you wish for sounds rather fun though smile *imaginespoorpeoplecondemnedtoeternalharpplaying*

Last edited by Mr Wurm; 01/14/09 18:54.

- Mr Wurm