Well, I have not forgotten this thread, but I do not want to confuse people more then necessary ...

One of the more important reason for this thread is not my deep desire to present myself as a prophet or the Messiah, but the simple and eventually selfish thing about the prophetic duty:

3:16 At the end of seven days the word of the Lord came to me:
3:17 “Son of man, I have appointed you a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you must give them a warning from me.
3:18 When I say to the wicked, “You will certainly die,” and you do not warn him – you do not speak out to warn the wicked to turn from his wicked deed and wicked lifestyle so that he may live – that wicked person will die for his iniquity, but I will hold you accountable for his death.


God has always been very friendly with me, I can not complain about Him, He allowed me, to run away from Him etc.

But I also know, that He did not reveal a message to me for fun and entertainment.

I was a very secular person for three quarters of my life. I was interested in all kinds of things, except for God and religion and I can really imagine the positions of atheists and people, who do not believe in God.

15 years ago, if someone would have confronted me with the claim "I am God´s choosen ambassador etc.", I would have probably reacted exactly like the first posters, so I am not disappointed or even angry.

At the moment, people can say: "Robotronic is crazy", and forget about this thread.

And for me this is also practical, because I can say to myself: "I told the human beings, that the end is near etc., I did my prophetic duty, I even sacrificed a lot of my very important time - but they did not want to listen, as usual, it has always been like this, there is once again nothing new under the sun."

Maybe this is the perfect compromise?

Many people here do not wait eleven years, before they make statements about God, which might hurt or confuse others.

But I will eventually post additional information for people, who are interested in a different way of being religious, which is called "religious realism".

This is probably more interesting for older people and people, who want to understand their religion and who want to act in responsible ways - in harmony with the living God.

Religious messages are not like program code for robots, and many "contradictions" are in reality part of the presentation of a multidimensional paradox, which was not always understood in perfect ways.

I take into account not only religious traditions, but also at least the major events and developments in human history, philosophy, psychology and of cause my own experiences. All of this doesn´t make it more easy for me, to communicate.

The goal is in "heaven", not below the surface of the earth, so it is important, that people become aware of the direction of heaven again.

I have respect for people, who like the mysterious qualities of religion, who do not want to know all the details and eventual limitations of prophetic experiences and religious doctrines and such stuff. But my own faith became very strong, because I removed "blind spots" and because I do not know of any inner contradictions.

In this time many people search for absolute certainties. They can also find them in an institutionalized "in the middle" position. They can find them in ignorance, in scientific theories or in the more or less dogmatic positions of religious "traditionalists".

I call them traditionalists and not fundamentalists, because the fundament of religion are not quotes from Holy Books.

Abraham did not learn from Holy Books.

The fundament of religion is the prophetic experience.