I agree on some of your points such as religions being major reasons for war. But those aren't the people I'm talking about. See as far as I'm concerned, those people are a word that start with the letter "a" and ends with the word holes. I'm sure if you took religion away from those people they would find something else to follow. Don't forget that the fanatics usually have a leader. They follow their leader. What your saying is pretty much if we take away guns the people using guns as a weapon to commit murders will stop killing. But I think you would agree they would just find a new weapon.

I'm really more concerned with the guy who goes to work everyday and loves his wife and kids and maybe even teaches his kids to love other people and to be good humans, blah blah blah...

Again I just don't see how me telling someone there is no god and shattering their world will help.

It's not like atheists get into trouble believing there is no God.

Well again, it depends how you look at it. When I stopped believing there was a god it made me completely depressed. I still wish sometimes I could go back to believing in something other then rotting in the ground at the end. I didn't realize how safe it made me to even possibly believe their might have been a god. Some might call it weak or whatever, but I don't think believing in something that makes you happy is wrong, even if what you believe in isn't true (as long as you don't hurt anyone else I don't care what you do or what you believe). Of course now I'm over it, but my girlfriend seems to be only now realizing it and seems to have a much harder time with it.

Going back to that quote, one could say since you might not be worried about going to hell then people might go out and kill. Of course your going to argue not all atheists go out and kill and don't worry about consequences, but that's when I would agree and say not all religious people go out and start wars.


Last edited by PrenceOfDarkness; 01/23/09 07:01.

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