well i think this is all about money...
All softwares are very expensive, i mean, lets take gs pro as example,

it costs EUR 713.44 ... so, for portugal a ordinary worker will recieve each month 450 euros, so after 2 months you have the money to buy it, but of course, if you have to pay house bills, food, etc etc, you will take longer..
Now how is over there? how much you recieve each month? some countries have a different economical prices for min salary.

maybe over there its 700 euros, maybe 1000 euros? or maybe 200.. but the price to buy this engine is fixed. So.. its not fair for everybody.. That leads to game copies, because you dont have the money yet to buy it. but another friend over america does.. etc etc..

I know assemble and dissable, i learn cracking to protect my own programs, and applications.. but.. i can do crack almost any program. its a matter of time and paciente.

i dont know why i'm saying this.. but cracking is so easy, and you think:
"if i have the knowledge to make it "full version" why buy it? if i can have it, just by changings some lines of code.. i mean ... its a very strong tentation.. "

its like a pizza, you probably buy it, because its faster, and you pay more for it. but if you know how to do it by yourself, and you dont want to buy it, you can do it, then you just do it.. why buying if you know how to do it.. And you say its illegal to dissable a pizza, to know its ingredients.. so you cannot do the same pizza by youself lolol.

And i learned is learning illegal? i learn asm, and dissable, does that makes me a pirate? to learn, i need to pick some programs to test and use as real experiments, is that method of learning illegal.. i know how to crack and and do crack some programs when i need or they are annoying me with some screens sayings register now.. you have XXX time.. like milkshape one of the first versons i downloaded and cracked it 10 minutes or less.. i just needed the software for a while, i had no reasons to buy it, but i wanted to use it and those screens everytime i clicked to do something on the program, i had to disable that.. and they dont know that those screens are the first hint that leads for the code check and this making it full version?.. (O.o)

however i dont share my things, with others, and i dont contribute to piracy, i know how to do it, but i do it to protect my own applications.. and dont give them over internet. If i really like a software that i need it for a long period of time i buy it.

but i can't believe nobody of you had never used "cracked" things, cracked games, downloaded Mp3 etc ..

PS: by the way, the rules i know from my country its that you can download everything even crackings programs and games or music whatever you can, that legal, you cannot upload them ,cracked or mp3 etc..

So for us, the gov rules says its not illegal download piracy things, just who uploads them.

I hope this post dont causes me troble, i just wanted to contribute to the askwer of the topic.

there are more important things to worry about.. cure for cancer, aids, any many diseases, alzeimer, aging, pollution, etc.. and we are always with out mind in fight, terrorismt, nunclear weapons, bombs, killing.. etc etc.. this world wont last if people wont change their focus, on the bad things to the good things.

We can think positive, if there is a crack, means the program is good, im sure, there is always someone buying if it really likes it.. cracking its perhaps 10% of the whole world problems probably. And there will be always fault in the system... like the manual says, there is no program bug safe, if there is a bug there is a fault , where someone can attack. There will be always the good and the bad, the poor and the rich, this is nature, we live in a world where everything is balanced, its a normal distribution graph, that how nature is, hot and cold, etc etc..

there is no need to fight, there will always be piracy... anyway if someone is good on cracking / hacking, there are companies that gives promotions invites :P .. cracking is art, understanding it is a "gift" and art and knowledge (know how to do it and do it) is not illegal i think.

I always played tombraider all the games, there is a new one that 9, and i friend of mine had it, and i had to played, but for me, it took only one day and this is true.. to finish the whole game wihout any crack or trainer things or codes cheats etc etc, the game is excelent, but too easy for me maybe, and i would't buy such a game that would give me 1 day of pleasure only.

Last edited by MMike; 02/02/09 03:43.