Do you remember monkey island? the copy protection was a scala ,you have to
turn it, to find the right word that you must enter. (My english is bad sry)

The other one was Anstoss 3, there you must type a word in.
example: Site 124 line 14, 3rd word.
That was effective and do not put any bad software on your pc, like steam
,securom, and another stuff that easy can kill your pc.(That was my experience)

And why the pirates pirate?
Easy: Because it is possible. It is in the human nature to do that.
It starts in the school in the pauses, easy to trade MP3's or Movies
over the MobilePhones. You can get a 8GB SD card for a few euros.

I think it will be hard to change the human nature, so that they never
steal again.

just my few sentence for that topic.

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