Originally Posted By: MMike
..but im sure not even you read all the licence agreements everytime you install a program.. By the way, there is no traslations for portuguese, in some softwares, and english is not my native lnaguage, and most of the text i can't understand very well. So its not my fault about reading something i cannot , because its i dont understand. Specially the laws part that they talk with a more rich volcubulary.

This is a weak excuse. I will make a very exaggerated example to explain why I think so: If someone kills another people in another country he will get the penalty that is common in this country. There is no way to say: "I did not know that this is not allowed. I did not understand the laws."
No matter, it is wrong and will be prosecuted.

If you cannot read the license and if you do not understand it then you actually should not use it because you agree to the terms of license when you install this software. What if they write your soul belongs to them after installing it? You should better read it.

I am sorry if I bother you with my moral here. But I live from software. I sell business software, nutrition software, 3d models and textures. And if everybody would just steal it then I could stop this work immediately. So I often feel sad when I read about the easiness how people think about "doing some changes" to crack and steal software.
There is hard work involved of designers, artists and programmers, people from advertising and distribution. They all did good and hard work.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft