Thats all correct, except that player is always defined, but is empty
until you point it at something.

The you pointer is a bit trickier, it is 'like' the me/my pointer but it
is changed by many engine functions. Especially c_??? functions and particles.
Look in the manual under events for more help.

Overly simplified description of YOU, but here goes
YOU is assigned by an event to be the target of an event, that is if ME gets
shot, YOU is set to the bullet-entity. If ME walkes into a tree, YOU is set
to the Tree-Entity.
YOU is assigned by particle function somehow too, Im a bity blurry but heres
how I understand it. When you call effect(...), if ME is a valid entity,
then all the particle sub-functions can see that 'parent' entity as YOU.
See, I told you the YOU was a tricky one, and theres more to it than that,
its just thats all I can remember off the top of my head...

action setup_player()   //gets assigned to an entity in WED, or through an ent_create
   player = me;   //me was assigned by the engine to be the entity in WED or ent_create.
   // 'player' now is pointing to that entity from WED, and ANY other 
   // function in the script will also see that entity if you say 'player'.
   while(me!=NULL)  //keep running until ME is destroyed and set to NULL.
      if(key_w) my.x += 5;    //move me(move player) if w pressed  etc.
   printf("Player is dead");

action Missile_Pod()   //gets assigned to MANY entities in WED, or through an ent_create
   while(my.skill5<100)    //damage level
          //creating a new entity, it will remember ME as YOU (see missile_act)
          ent_create("missile.mdl", my.x, missile_act);
          wait(-5);   //reload time
   //explode effects

action missile_act()
   // ME = the missile.mdl entiry
   // YOU = THE Missile_pod ENTITY that fired this missile.

Hope this helps a bit.

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