Originally Posted By: Nowherebrain
another fact is that this is stealing, anyway you go about it. When you download or crack a program intended for sales(intellectual or medium) that action is profit not made, or a lost sale. The same as taking money....just my opinion though.

not exactly, not that its ok, but if i download a cracked version of 3dsmax that doesnt mean that if i didnt download it, they would have gotten me to buy the $3.5k program. On the same token, originally when i got 3dgs, i was 15 and got a cracked version of a6, darkbasic and a couple other engines. the reason for this is because i couldnt buy every one of them to see which was better. if i had not I'd never have bought a6. granted i still feel a little bad about it, it was wrong, but not necessarily inhibiting a sale.