Its pretty heavily embedded right through player.c and animation.c, so it would be a good exercise for you to hack it all out.

BUT, all attack reactions by the enemy are based on if the "player_weapon" entity hits them, but nothing else.
So you'll need to code an entirely new hit-detection system if you do hack the "player_weapon" out.

Be that as it may, to DISABLE the weapon, just three changes to make. They are all in the PLAYER.C script.

First, just for pointer safety, change the following global pointer declares found early the script.
ENTITY* player_weapon = NULL;
ENTITY* target_enemy = NULL;

Second, in PLAYER_ACTION function, find the line "ent_create("sword.mdl", my.x, attach_weapon);".
Remove or comment out this line and the weapon wont get created.

And last, add the following line to the start of the function HANDLE_SWORD_COLLISION.
function handle_sword_collision()
   if(player_weapon==NULL)   return;   //<<<< insert this line.
   you = NULL;

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