I have a little radar system going and it seems to be working fine in detecting where the enemy is in relation to the player.

However, it isn't appearing on the screen in the correct place. I have a radar scope up on the left side of the screen but the "blips" are on the right side of the screen.

Here is the code:
//The radar blips are found in the code of the enemy tanks:
//unrelated code was removed to make it fit better

action eTank()   //the enemy tank
	PANEL* rDot;			//declare a panel pointer for the radar dot
	VECTOR rSpot;			//declare a vector to calculate the radar dot position
	var rSpt[2];			//an array for storing the x and y components of the radar dot's position

	//...sets basic parameters here, unrelated code

	rDot = pan_create(NULL,9999);						//create a panel for the radar dot (rDot)
	set(rDot,LIGHT);										//set its light flag
	rDot.size_x = 8;										//set its size
	rDot.size_y = 8;
	vec_set(rDot.blue,vector(200,0,0));				//make it blue
        //...more unrelated code, its healthbar is here

	while(my.health > 0)
		//...basic movement, effects, ai, unrelated code

		if(vec_dist(my.x,player.x) < 3000)	//if the enemy is within 3000 units from the player, he's in radar range
			if(!is(rDot,VISIBLE)) set(rDot,VISIBLE);	//if the radar dot is not visible, make it visible
			vec_set(rSpot,my.x);								//set rSpot to the tank's location
			vec_for_screen(rSpot,camera);					//convert rSpot to screen coordinates
			rSpt[0] = pSpot.x - rSpot.x;					//calculate the x componant of the vector to the player
			rSpt[1] = pSpot.y - rSpot.y;					//calculate the y componant of the vector to the player
			rDot.pos_x = radarPan.center_x + ((rSpt[0]/3000) * 64);	//calculate the x position
			rDot.pos_y = radarPan.center_y + ((rSpt[1]/3000) * 64);	//calculate the y position
			if(is(rDot,VISIBLE)) reset(rDot,VISIBLE);
		wait(1);		//avoid endless loops
        //...more unrelated code

//and this is the code that puts the radar scope on the screen

function initScreen()
	while(!player) { wait(1); }					//wait for the player to be loaded
	set(healthBar,VISIBLE | LIGHT);				//turn on the health bar and allow it to be set by RGB values
	set(radarPan,VISIBLE | TRANSLUCENT);		//turn on the radar scope, make it transparent
	radarPan.alpha = 10;								//radar scope is at an alpha of 10
	radarPan.scale_x *= 0.5;						//radar scope is half its original size
	radarPan.scale_y *= 0.5;
	radarPan.center_x = 0.5 * (bmap_width(radarMap));	//move the center of the scope to the middle of the bmap
	radarPan.center_y = 0.5 * (bmap_height(radarMap));
	vec_set(healthBar.blue,vector(0,200,0));	//health bar is green
	while(player)										//while the player exists
		radarPan.angle -= 5 * time_step * (!freeze_mode);					//rotate the scope
		healthBar.size_x = 190 * (player.health / player.maxHealth);	//healthbar is a function of % of health

How it works is it takes the position of the player tank, converted to screen coordinates (VECTOR pSpot) and uses another vector, this time the enemy tank's position converted to screen coordinates (VECTOR rSpot) to find the x and y component distances to place the rDot panel. These values are stored in the rSpt array. Then the position of the rDot panel is calculated by using the percentage of the tank to the maximum radar range (3000 units, hence (rSpt[0]/3000) ) and then the percentage is multiplied by 64 to get it onto the scope.

As I said, the code appears to work, but the dots aren't being place on the scope, they're on the wrong side of the screen.

Last edited by heinekenbottle; 02/15/09 01:36.

I was once Anonymous_Alcoholic.

Code Breakpoint;