The arrays shouldnt cause a problem unless you have defined them differently (sized) in two separate scripts,
or they are just being defined twice.

Also beware of using variables in other scripts that have the same name. That is, dont have int pole_flags[15]=...
in one script, and var pole_flags = 25; in another.

To create your arrays using malloc, heres an example.
int pole_flags[15] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
int pole_good[15] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
int* pole_flags;     //delare array name
int* pole_good;      //delare array name
void poles_startup()
   pole_flags = (int*)malloc((long)sizeof(int)*15);   //allocate space for 15 int's
   memset(pole_flags, 0, (long)sizeof(int)*15);       //set data to all zeros
   pole_good = (int*)malloc((long)sizeof(int)*15);   //allocate space for 15 int's
   memset(pole_good, 0, (long)sizeof(int)*15);       //set data to all zeros
// Theoretically this will work too, but Ive never tried this style.
int* pole_flags = (int*)malloc((long)sizeof(int)*15);   //allocate space for 15 int's
int* pole_good = (int*)malloc((long)sizeof(int)*15);   //allocate space for 15 int's
void poles_startup()
   memset(pole_flags, 0, (long)sizeof(int)*15);       //set data to all zeros
   memset(pole_good, 0, (long)sizeof(int)*15);       //set data to all zeros

NOTE: Putting the (long) before the sizeof is VERY important, or it gives zero length arrays.

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