The Kino One upgrades 3 times using the same kind of powerups so you have 4 levels of power:

Level1: slow main shot
Level2: faster main shot and non-homing missiles
Level3: faster main shot, a slow sub shot and non-homing missiles
Level4: Main shot, Missiles, Faster sub shot and homing missiles

you keep each powerup unless your shield gets dropped and you get hit after your shield is destroyed. Your shield regenerates after it has been knocked off, or when it takes any damage, so you could play through the game without dying if you were really good. For the shield, think halo style shield system, that's exactly how Kino's is.

As for DS, yes that's what I hated too. YOu couldn't take but 1-3 hits depending on what they hit you with and it was totally lame. Also, making homing missiles a weapon you lose, when they aren't even that strong, is lame.

And yes we did make a mech game, it was released in June of last year. This game is nearing completion too.

\/ our website has updates for our stuff, and you can see our other game there.

- aka Manslayer101