made it..
But the hearts are not animated...
here the complete code:
Click to reveal.. ("HUD")

//                                                                                                                               //
//                                                     DAS HUD-SCRIPT                                                            //
//                                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                                                            //
//                                                                                                                               //

function heart_1();function heart_2();function heart_3();function heart_4();function heart_5();
function heart_6();function heart_7();function heart_8();function heart_9();function heart_10();function heart_11();
function heart_12();function heart_13();function heart_14();function heart_15();function heart_16();

ENTITY* hud_ent_heart_01 = {type="Herz.mdl";view=camera;x = 700;y =  360;z = 280;tilt = 90;flags2 = SHOW;}
ENTITY* hud_ent_heart_02 = {type="Herz.mdl";view=camera;x = 700;y =  325;z = 280;tilt = 90;flags2 = SHOW;}
ENTITY* hud_ent_heart_03 = {type="Herz.mdl";view=camera;x = 700;y =  290;z = 280;tilt = 90;flags2 = SHOW;}
ENTITY* hud_ent_heart_04 = {type="Herz.mdl";view=camera;x = 700;y =  255;z = 280;tilt = 90;flags2 = SHOW;}
ENTITY* hud_ent_heart_05 = {type="Herz.mdl";view=camera;x = 700;y =  220;z = 280;tilt = 90;flags2 = SHOW;}
ENTITY* hud_ent_heart_06 = {type="Herz.mdl";view=camera;x = 700;y =  185;z = 280;tilt = 90;flags2 = SHOW;}
ENTITY* hud_ent_heart_07 = {type="Herz.mdl";view=camera;x = 700;y =  150;z = 280;tilt = 90;flags2 = SHOW;}
ENTITY* hud_ent_heart_08 = {type="Herz.mdl";view=camera;x = 700;y =  115;z = 280;tilt = 90;flags2 = SHOW;}

//                                                                                                                               //
//                                                       FUNKTIONEN                                                              //
//                                                       """"""""""                                                              //
//                                                                                                                               //

function heart_1()
	hud_ent_heart_01.skill1 = 1;
	if(player.skill98 == hud_ent_heart_01.skill1 + 3){ent_animate(hud_ent_heart_01,"heartp",  0,ANM_CYCLE);}
	if(player.skill98 == hud_ent_heart_01.skill1 + 2){ent_animate(hud_ent_heart_01,"heartp", 25,ANM_CYCLE);}
	if(player.skill98 == hud_ent_heart_01.skill1 + 1){ent_animate(hud_ent_heart_01,"heartp", 50,ANM_CYCLE);}
	if(player.skill98 == hud_ent_heart_01.skill1){    ent_animate(hud_ent_heart_01,"heartp", 75,ANM_CYCLE);}
	if(player.skill98 <  hud_ent_heart_01.skill1){    ent_animate(hud_ent_heart_01,"heartp",100,ANM_CYCLE);}

//                                                                                                                               //
//                                                        AKTIONEN                                                               //
//                                                        """"""""                                                               //
//                                                                                                                               //

function hud_update()

player.skill98 are the momental HP of the player.. at the beginning, this is set to 4

Hope someone has an idea..

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