Ottawa: I set it up so Zero health shows NO fragments, and therefore 7 health should be 1 3/4 hearts.

Esper: Its still working fine for me, even after modding the code to be milti-line.
Can you post the code you are using to display/debug the players health? My code is all using "player.skill98".

If this isnt the issue, can you post me a link to your heart model with the animations in it?
There may be some differences in the way we have animated them.
Try the milti-row code below first, see if it does the same.

Heres the multi-row heart code, any questions fire away.

#define HEARTS_MAX  24
#define HEARTS_PER_ROW 8
ENTITY* hud_ent_heart[HEARTS_MAX];
function heart_startup()
{	var h;	for(h=0; h<HEARTS_MAX; h++)	//only needs running ONCE bet game-boot
	{	hud_ent_heart[h] = ent_createlayer("Herz.mdl", NULL, 1000);		
		var x_pos = 360-(cycle(h,0,HEARTS_PER_ROW)*35);
		var y_pos = 280-(integer(h/HEARTS_PER_ROW)*50);
		vec_set(hud_ent_heart[h].x, vector(700, x_pos, y_pos));
		hud_ent_heart[h].tilt = 90;		}	
function heart_1()
	var heart_num  = integer(player.skill98 / 4);
	var this_heart = fraction(player.skill98 / 4)*100;
	var h; for(h=0; h<HEARTS_MAX; h++)
	{	if(heart_num<h)								//if lower health than this heart
		{	ent_animate(hud_ent_heart[h], "heartp",   0, ANM_SKIP);	}
		{	if(heart_num>h)							//if higher health than this heart
			{	ent_animate(hud_ent_heart[h], "heartp", 100, ANM_SKIP);  }
			else											//if ON this heart
			{	ent_animate(hud_ent_heart[h], "heartp", this_heart, ANM_SKIP);	}
		//insert standard heartbeat animation here if you want to.
/////  DE-Bugging ONLY  -  START
str_cpy(health, "");	str_cat_num(health, "health = %.0f", player.skill98);
str_cpy(v1,"");	str_cat_num(v1,"heart   = %.0f",heart_num);
str_cpy(v2,"");	str_cat_num(v2,"percent = %.0f",fraction(player.skill98/4)*100);
/////  DE-Bugging ONLY  -  END

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