
You should do some research and learn the differences between CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) and polygons. They are completely different, function differently and, as a result, you work with them differently as well.

CSG is what WED uses to create environments. It is an old carry over from the days when BSP styled real-time 3D engines were what was popular. Most engines do not use BSP any longer and, as a result, polygons are used for level creation. But if you build a level inside of WED you will be using CSG because that is the type of program WED is. So learn the differences and you will begin to understand why EXTRUDE is not a native part of WED, but is a part of MED.

Now MED is NOT a CSG creation tool, but instead is a polygonal modeler. As such, EXTRUDE makes sense there. You can extrude a polygonal face. However, as was pointed out in your previous thread requesting CSG Subtract in MED, MED does not use CSG elements. Therefore, requesting CSG tools in MED would not work.

Now, I realize that this may seem like arguing semantics. What you want is the ability to do something like an extrude in WED. Fine. I can understand that. However, if you learn about CSG then you will better understand WED and why you don't need an extrude feature there.

The second thing is:
During the moving in the 3d window in WED every model changes to a bounding box! That really annoys me because i cant set models then to TERRAINS or big smoothed blocks! It would be nice if you could click on a checkbox where you can choose the BBox function or not!

You can do this already. Go to File and the find Preferences. Once the Preferences dialog appears, click on the Advanced tab. In the second column, make sure Bound Box During Changes is not checked. Also make sure Display Entity Shape IS checked.

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