Instead of the old error message
"Bad manipulation. Map doesnt allow concave blocks. [Cancel][Ignore]"
how about we get a message like
"Bad manipulation. Convert Block to Mesh? [Cancel][Accept]"
That would be much more useful.

Since WED does not convert CSG geometry in to meshes, then this error message would not work because WED could not give you the choice to do that. This is the nature of CSG ... a different animal than a mesh (polygonal, quadratic or otherwise).

However, since A7 now also renders meshes, there's no problem with concave blocks - so why no extrude feature after all?

The original post was not about A7, but about A7's WED. He wanted an extrude function in WED, but that would belong in MED. Why? Because WED does not CREATE meshes, but instead creates CSG geometry.

Well concave blocks are certainly not the problem.

Always when you import a level, you get meshes with lots of doors and windows, they are 100% concave and do not make any problem.

Folks, we are getting our terms mixed up here. An imported level containing MESHES is NOT the same thing as building a level in WED using WED's blocks, which are NOT meshes, but CSG geometry. They are different animals. Now that you can import polygonal meshes into WED then, yes, any sort of geometry works in WED, concave or otherwise. But this is not the case for BSP correct CSG elements such as those created Nativity within WED itself.

About the doors and windows:

If this was built OUTSIDE OF WED in a 3D modeling program (be it MED or some other 3D program like 3DS MAX) then you are talking about meshes and concave is fine. However, if you build the level inside of WED using its native BSP correct CSG blocks, then you cannot have concave geometry. However, that does not mean you cannot build a door. A hole in a wall (a door or a window) is NOT concave in the least. It can be built using a series of non-concave blocks.

A door, for example, can be built with three simple, non-concave blocks: one for each side and one for the top, leaving a "hole" where the open door would be. None of that is concave.

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