Originally Posted By: Dan Silverman
Instead of the old error message
"Bad manipulation. Map doesnt allow concave blocks. [Cancel][Ignore]"
how about we get a message like
"Bad manipulation. Convert Block to Mesh? [Cancel][Accept]"
That would be much more useful.

Since WED does not convert CSG geometry in to meshes, then this error message would not work because WED could not give you the choice to do that. This is the nature of CSG ... a different animal than a mesh (polygonal, quadratic or otherwise).

I know its a different animal, BUT, since an FBX file is an even different animal, and WED can import them,
surely it wouldnt be to hard for WED to "pretend" to import the block and convert 'just that one' block into a mesh object.
The compiler does it, so why cant WED do it on a smaller scale...

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