ok first this code works perfectly on flat ground or downwar hills, but when I try to walk/run up slopes it sometimes get stuck for a while, keep holding my left mouse button and keep running my character finally gets up the slope, I've tried making him be higher in the air but it doesnt help.
I dont know what to do.

#define gravity_constant -2
 // z_smooth controls how smooth the z-adjustment movement is.  
 // Values are 0 through 1, where 0 is more smooth and 1 is not smooth at all
#define z_smooth .0
// Height to float the entity bounding box off the ground
#define my_z_offset 5

action player()
	player = my; // I'm the player
 VECTOR move_to_vector;		
 var trace_to_ground;
 var distance_to_ground; // the distance between player's origin and the ground
 var z_adjust = 0;
  var distance_moved;
VECTOR temp[3];VECTOR temp2[3];VECTOR temp_target[3];VECTOR pos1[3];VECTOR pos2[3];
var anim_percentage;
var rot_speed = 6; /////new var 
var new_angle;///////new var
	trace_to_ground = c_trace(my.x, vector(my.x,my.y,my.z-80000), IGNORE_ME|IGNORE_PASSENTS|IGNORE_PASSABLE|IGNORE_SPRITES|USE_BOX); 
	distance_to_ground = trace_to_ground - my_z_offset;
	distance_moved = c_move(me, vector(0,0,move_to_vector.z + (z_adjust * z_smooth)), nullvector, GLIDE|IGNORE_SPRITES|IGNORE_PASSABLE|USE_BOX);
		if ((distance_to_ground > 0) && (distance_to_ground < 3) && (move_to_vector.z < 0))
				z_adjust = (trace_to_ground * -1) + my_z_offset;
				move_to_vector.z = 0;
			// If the acceleration of gravity would cause the entity to be moved below the ground, shorten
			// the fall so that the entity is put directly on to the ground.
			accelerate(move_to_vector.z, (gravity_constant * time_step), 0);

			if (move_to_vector.z < (distance_to_ground * -1))
				// move_to_vector.z = (distance_to_ground * -1) * .3;
				z_adjust = (trace_to_ground * -1) + my_z_offset;
				move_to_vector.z = 0;

if(mouse_left == 1 && key_shiftl == 0)
	pos1.x = mouse_pos.x;pos1.y = mouse_pos.y;pos1.z = 0;
   vec_for_screen (pos1, camera);
   pos2.x = mouse_pos.x;pos2.y = mouse_pos.y;pos2.z = 300000;
   vec_for_screen (pos2, camera);
//vec_sub(temp.x,my.x) ;
//my.pan = smooth(my.pan, 0.95);

////////////////////////////////////////////////new code//////////////////////////////////////////
   vec_sub(temp.x, my.x);
   vec_to_angle(new_angle, temp.x);
   if (ang(new_angle - my.pan) < -8) 
   	my.pan -= rot_speed * time_step;
   	if (abs(ang(new_angle - my.pan)) > 8) 
   		my.pan += rot_speed * time_step;
   c_move (my, vector(12*time_step,0 , 0), nullvector, IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE);
   ent_animate(my, "run", anim_percentage, ANM_CYCLE);
   anim_percentage += 10 * time_step;
   	ent_animate(my, "stand", anim_percentage, ANM_CYCLE);
   	anim_percentage += 2 * time_step;	
   	ent_animate(my, "stand", anim_percentage, ANM_CYCLE);
   	anim_percentage += 2 * time_step;

camera.x = player.x - 210 * cos(player.pan);
camera.y = player.y - 210 * sin(player.pan); // use the same value (250) here
camera.z = player.z + 130; // place the camera above the player, play with this value
camera.arc = 75;
camera.tilt = -10; // look down at the player
camera.pan = player.pan;

wait (1);



New to lite-c and gamestudio in general, thank you for reading.
Com, A7 v7.7