Howdy Folks, Good News!

The brand new ObamaBones Motions Pak on C.D. is available from TrueBones.Com for a great low price.

The ObamaBones Motions Pak on C.D. is over 200 brand new motion captures in .BVH format and is now available for only $29.00. USD via PayPal.

The ObamaBones Motions Pak on C.D. is a valuable addition to your exsiting motion collection and is sure to become a collectors item.

Click this link to order the brand new ObamaBones Motions Pak at a special low price now.

Please add your shipping address to the paypal info box for the free backup C.D. of the new ObamaBones Motions Pak on C.D.

This special price offer ends tonight so be sure to order your brand new ObamaBones Motions Pak on C.D. from TrueBones.Com today.

Thanks again and Cheers Folks,


"Roads? Where we're going we dont need roads."
