1) Yes

Ah, you didn't tell that you work with an old version. There is no need to have an older version. trueSpace 7.6 is freeware nowadays. And so i thought we talk about that smile

3) I understand that once you transfer your animation from TrueSpace to Ultimate Unwrap that you can then save the whole thing to GameStudio as an Mdl file which eliminates the need for saving individual frames?

It's one more step. Export from Workspace as Collada. Open UU3D, load Collada , save as FBX. Open MED, load FBX, save as MDL.

But we talk about the Workspace side in this case. The new bones.

Different story for the old bones and Modeler. WARNING, in Case we talk about old bones, they don't transfer over to the Workspace. Means there is no way to export them as Collada.

You could have a look if X arrives intact in MED. Try both, the X from your older Version ( I guess tS 6.6 or below?), and 7.6 Modeler. Haven't played around with the old bones for a long long time, and am honestly not willing to touch this buggy dinosaurs anymore smile


which eliminates the need for saving individual frames?

What do you mean with eliminating vs individual frames all the time? There is never a need to deal with the single frames when you don't want to. What's there is the need to clean up the one or another keyframe. But that's another thing.

Last edited by Tiles; 03/07/09 07:56.

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