As far as I understood you, you want to forward the player positions of all players from the level servers through the management server and the session server and to the client?

This would cause extremly high latency and traffic. Something you can't allow when you create a MMO game! You always have to connect the client directly with a level server (= a Zone). Zones are used to reduce the traffic because each zone has only e.g. 32 clients and these are updating their positions. Clients that are in ZoneB don't send their positions to clients in Zone A. => Instead of 100 clients in one big world, you use 32 Clients per Zone and 3 Zones. => traffic is 1/3 on the clients.

A good structure would be like that:


You login in the login server:

[your client]
[Login Server] - [SQL Server]  <= Stores the Player accounts + last pos

Then the Login Server forwards the player to the correct zone by
telling the correct IP and Port of the Server.
The Client connects with the Zone server and disconnects with the Login Server.

[your client]
[ZoneA]   [ZoneB]    [ZoneC] ...
   |         |         |
[clients] [clients] [clients]

[SQL Server] <= Stores items,... (every Zone Server can connect with this server)

This is a more simple and even more effective way of how you should do something like this.

ANet - A stable and secure network plugin with multi-zone, unlimited players, voip, server-list features,... (for A7/A8)!
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