This error is occuring on the startup of the engine (all Versions 6.40.5 to 7.06): "Not enough memory (50 MB required)!".

This really screws up our distribution. We got over a thousand complaints from customers so far and already raised this issue a couple of months back but got now suffienct answer here on the board.

Our products need 500 MB nexus - WED allows to set the nexus this high, so why does the engine not run on all target machines?

We compiled a list of possible solutions for the FAQ sections of our websites. None of this is helping.

This error error appears if the game could not reserve enough memory to run. The causes for that can be:

* Not enough (free) RAM / Memory

Solution: You need at least 512 MB of RAM. If you run the game in Highend Mode you will need at least 1024 MB of RAM.

* Not enough (free) Virtual Memory / swap file too small

Solution: The swap file of the operating system should be at least at 1.5 gigabyte. You can change this setting in the Control Panel: For Windows XP, the sequence is to right-click on My Computer, choose Properties, go to the Advanced tab button, click Performance Settings, click on Settings, click on the Advanced tab once again and in the Virtual Memory section, click Change.

* Not enough (free) hard disk space

Solution: It is not enough to have enough free RAM space available, you also need to have free hard disk space on the windows drive as well as the drive where the game is installed. 1.5 GB should be available at all times to ensure stability and good performance.

How can such severe bugs occur when rolling out a product? This at least should be documented in the manual!

Would a update to the most recent version solve this problem?