ok.. the tile-by-tile editor..

My problem is, that the cursor-block isn´t shown at the cursor position.

See Screen:


The block-model has to be on the position of the red cursor square...

Here´s the code i use at the moment ( based on an idea by flits ):
function editor_raster_scale(var* pos,var tile_size)
	// ->scale to raster
	if(abs(fraction(pos[0]/tile_size)) > 0.5)
	{pos[0] += (tile_size/2)*sign(pos[0]);}
	if(abs(fraction(pos[1]/tile_size)) > 0.5)
	{pos[1] += (tile_size/2)*sign(pos[1]);}
	pos[0] = pos[0] * 1/tile_size;
	pos[1] = pos[1] * 1/tile_size;
	pos[0] = integer(pos[0]);
	pos[1] = integer(pos[1]);
	pos[0] = pos[0] * tile_size;
	pos[1] = pos[1] * tile_size;
	Feldhelper.x = pos[0];
	Feldhelper.y = pos[1]+128;

function mouse_controll()
	temp.x = mouse_pos.x;
	temp.y = mouse_pos.y;
	temp.z = camera.z;
	c_trace(camera,vector(temp.x,temp.y,-4000),IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE);

Feldhelper is the block-entity

Hope someone has an idea...

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