Is there a god? Hmmm, tricky.

After seven and a half million years of deep thought, taking into account
Evolution - AKA Intelligent design (by nature),
Intelligent Design - AKA Selected Evolution Success Stories,
The Big Bang - where a single everything starts filling the eternal nothing,
The Great Green Arkleseizure - where the entire universe was sneezed out of the nose of "GOD",
Science - a way of proving we dont know everything,
Religion - a way of believing we dont need to know anything,
Technology - a way of measuring how much we know,
Heaven - a place to go and commit even evil deeds with Gods permission,
Hell - a place where all masochists pray to God to be sent,
AND SO, bearing all this wisdom in mind, dotting all the one's, crossing all the
eyes, and not forgetting to carry the teas, I give you THE ANSWER.
You're not going to like this, but....

My reasoning is this,
If I DO believe in God, its because I believe HE is real, because Ive seen or heard ENOUGH proof to satisfy ME.
If I DONT believe in God, its because thats the way he made me, to use the gift of FREE WILL as best I may.

And thats how I live. I TRULY and EMPHATICALLY believe that God MAY exist.
Why dont I do what the Bible says? Because God granted me the gift of THOUGHT.

And if I end up at the pearly gates, and St Peter yells "What the hell did you do THAT for?"
I'll just say, "God made me the way I am, and I thought it seemed the right thing to do at the time."
I reckon he'll probably just say, "Oh, OK, in you go then. And dont forget your complimentary harp."
