Is multithreading integrated in Lite-c,I do not understand can I use multithreading in every system and any processor? Or multithreading may crash in some systems.

multithreading is a technique of the operating system (windows, unix, ...)
I can't speak for all types of systems/processors but every Intel(r) compatible prozessor (Intel/AMD) and all Windows(r) operating systems from Windows 98 support multithreading.

Since 3DGS only supports Windows(r) multithreading will run on every clients target plattform (with different performance).

But there is a difference between multithreading-support of the engine and lite-c!
The engine actually DON'T use multithreading but you're able to create multithreading applications with lite-c (see the example) yourself.

The main challenge of multithreading applications is the synchronisation of the results of the different threads but once your concept works well the benefit could be extensive (especially with the new generation of multi-core processor systems!)

I discovered that I/O-handling (file/video/sound) in more than one thread ends in a crash (and more!*) especial in multi-core-systems.


*) backup your system before playing with multithreading programming!