i want to go back to the original discussion..
i dont belive in god, because the pure definition of god makes him impossible, see the old question: can the allmighty god create a stone he cant lift himself? no matter what you answer, its always the same, god cannot be almighty.
and if he is not almighty, what defines him as god? if he is just some powerfull beign, he neccesarily has to be a god liek entity.
also, science has disproven god for so many times.
like the fact that energy exists. you cannot create energy, you can only change the way it exists, i.e. make it liquid or turn it into gas.
the whole universe is based on that concept, why in the universe should we punky humans be the sole exception to that rule with our soul?
also, a soul is nonexistant, for your counciousness is nothing more than the result of your impresions and knowledge throughout the time you are on this planet.
how else could it be possible to reporgram a human being so that he is someone completely different?
also, even IF there is a god, why would he care about us anyway?
if you create bacteria, you dont care about them aswell. if you throw away garbage and stuff, billions of organisms live in there, and you dont care.
there is no god, no heaven and no hell, no fate, destiny or whatever.
absolutely everything that exists can be explained scientifically. not by me, but by people who know their stuff.
of course, people who belive wont accept my logic, for they create a flaw they can exploit, but that is your problem.
id rather enjoy my life for what it is than try to pease a non existing entity by suffering for no reason whatsoever...