Ok, I am writing a Cpp launcher application, and well, as I've probably mentioned before...I'm a complete noob. As a matter of fact to be precise, I'm trying to make a splash screen for a 3DGS game I'm working on, hopefully that info is helpful. I'm using A6.60 Com. Any help would be appreciated, and I'd gladly add you to the credits.

Before Reading below keep this in mind: I can't use any MFC stuff, I'm using a free compiler.

I have two problems I would like to address:

First off:
I am executing a file and trying to monitor it's output with this line:

FILE *fp = popen("Kino.exe", "r");

but there are 2 problems.

First, the application is launched, but I see a split second popup of the command prompt...and well...frankly, I don't want that. How can I prevent this popup?

Second is that I'm not sure how to monitor if the application is closing, or changing. It is critical that I can do that. I've heard that it's easy, but well...I'm a noob.

Second Problem:

This problem has been fixed, I found a way using RAD c++ to keep the window on top perfectly.

I can post code if you want, or the full source, but I'm using Dev C++ with the RAD C++ plugin, so most of the code is written by the RAD plugin.

Edit: Second problem was fixed..

Last edited by mpdeveloper_B; 04/04/09 05:39.

- aka Manslayer101