Originally Posted By: Quadraxas
that doesnt help, you need to post where exactly you call the function and function itself.
Well, that does not make any sense! From where within the action I call the function does not have ANY effect at all!

And to be precise: Even if I call it in the first line of the action, the behaviour is the same.

And if you want the function - here it is:
function bodentextur_fuer_turm_steuern(PARTICLE* bodentextur, ENTITY* turm){
	set(bodentextur, TRANSLUCENT);
	bodentextur.alpha = 100;
	while (turm){
		bodentextur.lifespan = 16000;
	debug1 = 1;
	while(bodentextur.alpha > 0){
		bodentextur.lifespan = 16000;
		bodentextur.alpha -= time_step;
	bodentextur.lifespan = 0;
debug1 is never set to 1 !!!

I am really frustrated...

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