I know it's called 3dgamestudio and normaly you create games and not programms but I just couldnt resist to write my own personal mp3-player with low-loading times and wich is quite fast and reliable.
I recognizd that it is pretty un-handy so its not very easy to use but it has some cool features I guess^^
like e.g. saving mp3 files in slots and that you can only play mp3 that are before put in a specific folder
the pictures are pretty bad but the video should clear it a bit up.
notes for the video (2.8MB) :

- sound was put on afterward(so the little pause button does work in game)

okay let me know if you want to have the code or some pieces of code.
the mp3 yet is not allready finished I'm planing on adding some more features as

- fast forward
- fast backwards
- maybe some more slots
