Yes, screenshots indeed :)Cant get images to show!
The original idea is from Nems (I stay at his place when I'm in NZ) and shows the basic plan as it emerged from hothousing.

As can be seen, the original idea was heading to a side scroller type game (can still work but wouldnt be a board game then and would be too complex)but I have reverted to the classic cam2 perspective.
Thinking great thoughts, the board was to have incorporated individual images per tile (where actions were to happen)


but then the file size got too big due to the graphics so had tp go back to a basic tile image and add the effects later..

The smaller images on this texture are ment to be decals or sprites which perform functions depending on what tile was occupied.

Some other individual textures (no longer using them)...

More to follow of the game window and some elements.

Last edited by Nomad; 04/07/09 08:24.