My biggest "zone" to date is .. big =) So far actually it's only a 50kx50k zone but during the build it's generating 9.3k portals. thats fairly significant. I'm about 30% of the way through the zone structures, some of the bigger ones are still to come. I get FPS anywhere from 20-50 depending on how much of the city I can view.

Can anyone assist me with tricks to up the FPS. At this time my tricks are mainly just puttings walls behind building doorways to reduce portals, detailing the crap out of interiors and going fairly sparce on the exteriors. This particular zone is an outdoor zone so would using a "fog" technique improve the FPS or just reduce the visibility?

What I am thinking is to include a max_view distance setting in my .ini file for each zone and have it loaded on zone load so that in levels with a lot of detail the viewing distance is significatnly reduced.

The current castle zone was meant to be a stress test of the 3DGS engines rendering ability for outdoor zones. Currently I've got some very large sized structures, all with fully functional interiors and details like wall trim and timber etc. I am using all "flat" surfaces and no "detail" flags.

Thanks in advance.


Mark McFear Aakrana: The Forgotten Lands "It's your world now!"