Ok, finally got it working. (Yeah yeah I know RTFM =) ) I thought I followed the direcitons but I missed a step. Anyways for those following behind me I'll post it a little clearer.

To use LoD in A6 Extra or better do the following. Create a "new" instance in WED. Build your entity using blocks and when you have it 100% do a "save as" filename_0 - The zero is the key filename can be what you want. Then hit the build button. Next tricky part here is that we need to hijack the WMB file created when you did the build. It will be in the same directory as the WMP file so go find it, copy it and put it in a safe place. =)

Next, proceed to strip down the detail levels form the model. For example after our first save (filename_0) which contains all the detail of the entity I am going to strip down interior details of the build that are not needed untill the player gets close enough to enter. I then save it as filename_1 and do a build. I grab the WMB file and put it in the same "safe place" as the 0 filename. I proceed to strip down some extrenal details for LOD maps 2 and 3 and again, save as filename_2-3 and build and move the WMB files. Ok, put the WMB files in your entities folder for your project, go back into your main project and do an "object" "load entity". Now select .WMB and choose filename_0. Place it how you want it in your level and voila!. Do a build and sit back and watch your new LoD kick serious tail.

Cheers, Hope this saves someone some time =)




Mark McFear Aakrana: The Forgotten Lands "It's your world now!"