Originally Posted By: Shadow969

how can you explain the "big bang"?
what was before it?
if energy and matter cannot appear and disappear then where did they come from?

The most popular cosmology theory , nowadays, is, the so called : multi universe

#1) Our universe is just one " bubble " of a sea of bilions and bilions " bubbles "

#2) The bubbles explode ( big bang ) because of casual events ( the tunneling effect )

#3) The " sea " which produce the " bubbles " is made of "false vacuum "

#4) Where does the "sea " come from ?
From nowhwere
The sea exist because ....it must exist
its existance being a direct consequence of quantum physics

Useless to say that nobody can seriously claim that this theory is true, for obvious reasons but it is supported by many experimental evidences

Last edited by AlbertoT; 04/09/09 17:49.