hey @Padmalcom,
the variable is_listening(var) when i start the program, its 1. After speeaking something it changes to 1 then 0. but its not noticed because its already one, so you just see it go zero. (this is the problem)

And each time then i speak it goes 1 ( if something is heard) and then changes to zero... i guess there is a problem there, on the initial variable value os is_listening(var)...

As its seems, when i speek is_listening(var) is 1 , when the word is said, after that variable returns to 0.

So i think you should make the initial value of is_listening(var) to zero on the dll? because nothing was said yet?

But sometimes the variable just goes 1 , if you something weird, that is not understood. hum..

Last edited by MMike; 04/11/09 15:03.